Covid 19 Pandemic

It’s hard to believe what’s happened in the world since the beginning of 2020. The unreasonable rush on toilet paper. But much worse, the spread of a deadly virus across the globe.

My work background is working with the public. Retail sales, customer service, and the beloved food service industry. Blogging is my creative outlet. The Covid 19 virus will change our daily lives in a fundamental way. Businesses will have to rethink, retool, and reinvent to stay afloat.

The world will have to follow the same paradigm shift in order to survive.

If you don’t have to go out, don’t. Consider potential cross contamination points when ordering take out, drive thru, or delivery. Don’t touch your face, pick nose, etc… Oh, and that device that’s jammed in your face all day, KEEP IT CLEAN!!!

Stay safe, use common sense, be mindful of how we are all connected.

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