Learning To Fly

One of the most basic elements of the Upland metaverse is how you control the movement of your Block Explorer (BE). This is your game piece in the game, and allows you to discover properties in the city you’ve chosen to start in.

Your Block Explorer is moved on the map by using Sends. They look like paper airplanes on the city map. To earn the Send, your BE needs to be within range. Otherwise, you will see a message telling you you’re not close enough. You can only accumulate so many of these, and must have enough saved up to move around the map. To use a Send you must choose a property you want to Send to within the city you are in. Click on the property to bring up it’s stats and options, then click on the Send icon.

Make sure you check the fee that the property owner charges to Send to their property. These fees are different from city to city and can be quite expensive. This can deplete your supply of the in game utility token UPX. (Read more about that in an upcoming post.)

One benefit of owning various properties across the same city map is that Sending to a property that you own is free! Additionally you can set your send fee for these properties. So if someone Sends to your property, you get to collect that fee.

The basics of the Upland metaverse are easy once you learn them. Again, I suggest visiting the Upland homepage and reading about the game to learn more.

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