Mic check!

Microphone themed AI Art is one of today’s offerings. Checkout my other social media posts as well! Open mic AI Art

The UPX utility token and Spark

The Upland metaverse has a built in economy that is fueled by the in game utility token called UPX. When you start the game you’re given a set amount and have to earn more by flipping properties and completing collections. You can also buy more UPX from the in game store. With the addition of... Continue Reading →

Learning To Fly

One of the most basic elements of the Upland metaverse is how you control the movement of your Block Explorer (BE). This is your game piece in the game, and allows you to discover properties in the city you’ve chosen to start in. Your Block Explorer is moved on the map by using Sends. They... Continue Reading →

April Fool’s Day

Another found photo from my parents collection. What are the chances of me being a Trailer Park Boys fan and finding this photo on April Fool’s Day? Oh the irony! Hope you all are having a good one. © 2021 Mysticjingles.com


These days change is all around us. In the midst of a global pandemic, everyone is experiencing some type of change, some much worse than others. Our day to day has been impacted in a profound way. This is a change to our way of life that won’t soon be forgotten. As talk of things... Continue Reading →

Covid 19 Pandemic

It’s hard to believe what’s happened in the world since the beginning of 2020. The unreasonable rush on toilet paper. But much worse, the spread of a deadly virus across the globe. My work background is working with the public. Retail sales, customer service, and the beloved food service industry. Blogging is my creative outlet.... Continue Reading →

Dragonflies enjoying a sunny day!

More pictures of dragonflies. This time the widow skimmer dragonfly is the star of the show! These dragonflies are much larger than the blue dasher dragonfly, and are part of a larger group called king skimmers. In one of the pictures below, you can see fish in the water, waiting for one of these large... Continue Reading →

A Passion For Pinning

Pinterest March 20th, 2018 One of the driving forces behind the creation of this blog has been my fascination with Pinterest. Blogging allows me to talk more about the things that I have discovered there that grab my attention. One of these things is food, which in a small way, like music, connects us all.... Continue Reading →

Something New

Welcome March 19th, 2018 Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog! A love of music, a passion for pinning, and a crazy idea. These are the things that inspired the creation of Mysticjingles.com. Please come back often, as there is more to come in the near future!          

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